Get Involved with AI MULTIPLY


Our ultimate aim is to develop new AI techniques that will help doctors to provide more personalised, effective, and equitable healthcare for people with multiple long-term health conditions.


Our Mission


Using the collective expertise of patients, clinicians, researchers and artificial intelligence to improve the care of people who live with many health conditions and medicines



The goal for the PPIE within this project has always been to have members of the public fully embedded within all aspects of the study. When the public co-applicants were first discussing how they wanted the PPIE to look they were aiming for a subverted power dynamic from what is typically seen in research.


“PPIE is valued by NIHR and researchers, but we were clear from the outset that the research had to be fully informed by PPIE members, thus we had to create a structure that fully enabled it. In essence, in addition to researcher led meetings, we wanted PPIE members to devise and hold meetings to which researchers were invited. There was support from this from the outset and this has been maintained throughout our work so far.” – Olivia Grant PPIE co-applicant


We wanted to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience of Multiple Long Term Conditions (MLTC’s) either through having MLTC’s themselves, or as carers to those with them (and in some instances both) were heard all of the way through this project keeping the focus on ultimate patient benefit.

PPIE Involvement with work packages

WP 1 & 2 – Data wrangling, analysis and engineering


• WP leads have presented to the PPIE group twice to explain what they are doing, why and how.

• From feedback from the researchers we then held another PPIE meeting with the WP 2 lead to discuss further questions and public opinions to support this work package.

• The lead data wrangler presented to the PPIE group to explain more about the data that they are working with, what is available and what is possible to use it for.

WP 3  – Qualitative, alongside subthemes of Mental Health, Inflammation and Epidemiology


WP and subtheme leads have presented to the group


5 contributors are working with the qualitative researchers to support topic and question design and participant recruitment.

WP 4  – Assessing how the different specialists work together.


The PPIE group was part of the collaborative design of the Mission Statement alongside the group from Social Action for Health

WP 5  – Trial Emulations 


WP leads delivered an overview to the PPIE group of what trial emulations are and how we are using them in AI-Multiply.


We then started working on designing patient driven trial emulation questions with the WP 5 research team





Overview of evaluation plans

We have employed a mixed methods approach to document PPIE involvement within AI-Multiply including: an impact log, a qualitative and quantitative survey based on the CUBE Framework, elements of the PiiAF Framework, and PPIE session feedback documents.


We are analysing this data using a ‘follow a thread’ approach to identify and integrate key issues and challenges from across each data source. This data will be supplemented with one-to-one interviews with work package researchers and PPIE members to enhance our understanding of the impact and process of public involvement across the project.


The findings will form guidance and publications outlining how best to implement PPIE within similar large AI and big data projects and highlighting any barriers and issues that we have encountered.

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